HOME Donations


Restricted Donations(for Designated Uses)

We accept restricted donations allocated to specific uses that fulfil the intentions of the donor.

Procedural Flow


Submission of Donation Application Form

Please submit a Donation Application Form to the Office of Research Development and Sponsored Projects, Faculty of Science and Technology.


Issue of Remittance Form

The Office of Research Development and Sponsored Projects, Faculty of Science and Technology will issue the donor with a Remittance Form.


Transfer of Donation Amount

Please arrange for a bank transfer as per the Remittance Form.


Issue of Receipt and Specific Public Interest Corporation Certificate

Once the deposit has been confirmed, donors will be issued with a receipt and a specific public interest corporation certificate.

How to Apply

Please submit your application to the Office of Research Development and Sponsored Projects, Faculty of Science and Technology using one of the following specified forms.

Also, donors who wish to designate a specific recipient for their contribution, as well as the above, are further asked to complete and submit an accompanyingExcelPromotion and Mutual Aid Corporation for Private Schools of Japan Donation Application Form for Donations to Specific Recipients.

For more information on Donations to Specific Recipients, please refer to Keio Univerity's officialwebsite (Japanese only) and Mutual Aid Corporation for Private Schools of Japan website (Japanese only.) 

Regarding Tax Exemptions for Donations

Please refer to the page “For Prospective Supporters” on Keio University’s official website.

Gifts in Kind

How to Apply

Once the delivery or installation of any donated articles to research laboratories, etc., has been completed, please submit the following documents to the Office of Research Development and Sponsored Projects, Faculty of Science and Technology.

If a Donation Receipt is required:

(1) Donation Report (in-kind donations)
(2) Application Form for non-cash assets
(3) Value Certificate: Please fill in the Acquisition Cost and Current Value

*With regards to(2)and(3), these should be submitted by the donor (i.e., the organization or individual from whom the donation is received)

If a Donation Receipt is not required:

(1) Donation Report (in-kind donations)
(2) Catalogues and other documents listing the value of goods


Office of Research Development and Sponsored Projects, Faculty of Science and Technology

Application Forms